Directed by David Litchfield, this film captured a moment when Paul McCartney and Wings had found and defined their signature sound. Filmed over four days at Abbey Road Studios in August 1974, the film provides an insight into the inner workings of the band as they work and play together in the studio. Including performances of tracks from Wings masterpiece Band on the Run (released in 1973), intimate footage of the band hanging out in the studio, combined with audio interview snippets, the film also includes previously unreleased full footage of a solo acoustic performance by Paul called The Backyard Sessions. In addition to the film, this screening event includes an introduction by Paul McCartney recorded exclusively for movie theatre audiences as well as unseen Polaroids of the band.
Rfor some sexuality and nudity
After her husband's untimely death, Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin Clicquot flouts convention by assuming the reins of the fledgling wine business they had nurtured together. Steering the company through political and financial reversals, she defies her critics and revolutionizes the champagne industry to become one of the world's first great businesswomen.